Scrub Island Billfish Series Unofficial Rules

A fishing team pulling a large marlin boatside.

While all efforts are made to keep this information current, all rules and awards published shall be considered unofficial. Official rules and awards will be distributed and announced at the registration check-in and captains meeting.


Leg 1 Rules - September 13 – 17, 2024

The Scrub Island Billfish Series Leg I is a three-day boat tournament. Prizes pay down to third place (first, second and third). Eligible species include blue marlin, white marlin, spearfish and sailfish. Boats are required to stay at Scrub Island Marina or an approved alternative BVI location. During the event no boats are allowed to reside outside of BVI waters to participate in the Scrub Island Billfish Series.

The entry fee is $5,000 per team. This basic entry fee covers the participation of the boat and attendance at all planned entertainment and social activities for 6 participants. The tournament committee reserves the right to deny tournament entry to any individual, organization or corporation.

A final registration, captains meeting and kickoff party will take place from 4 to 8:30 p.m., September 13 at Scrub Island Resort & Marina. All teams that are preregistered and teams needing to register must send at least one representative to obtain tournament credentials. All team members and boat captains must attend the scheduled angler/captains meeting at 7:00 p.m., September 13 at Scrub Island Resort & Marina. Regardless of attendance, they accept and agree to be bound by all instructions and/or rule changes made during that meeting. In an effort to maximize participation, registrations will be accepted until 8:29 p.m., September 13, 2024.

In an effort to receive early registrations, the tournament will allow participants to cancel their registration until the deadline of 9:00 p.m., September 12. The tournament will refund all entry fees less a $500 cancellation fee.

Without exception, each boat must have on board one designated boat captain and at least one designated mate. All anglers must be listed on CatchStat or a list must provided to tournament director or associate director prior to the start of tournament competition. There is no limit on anglers or crew. Any teams with angler changes or substitutions must notify tournament director or associate director prior to the start of fishing on each competition day in order for the angler to be eligible to participate and for their fish to be counted. Designated captains and mates can also be registered anglers. Guests are allowed on the boats. While there is no limit on anglers, each boat is eligible for six official tournament shirts and one captain’s bag. 

Boats may receive aid from other boats in the form of towing in the event of mechanical failure. Teams and boats are not allowed to receive assistance in releasing fish. All participants must exercise good and courteous sportsmanship whether at the dock, underway or fishing.

Omni-Directional Sonar (ODS) may not be deployed, activated, energized, displayed or otherwise referred to in locating fish until after the assigned “lines-in” moment of each tournament day. Further to this rule, it must be deactivated upon “lines-out” until the beginning of “lines-in” the next day.

This rule does not apply to standard bottom finders transmitting at 50 to 200 khz or CHIRP sonars transmitting broad spectrum signals, since these are normally employed for safe navigation. It also does not apply to side scan sonar capable of scanning water from port to starboard at a new 180 arc.

September 13 — Final registration, captains meeting and kickoff party from 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Scrub Island Resort & Marina. Captains meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m.
September 14 — Fishing day: 7:30 a.m. lines-in, 5:00 p.m. lines-out. Release video check-in.
September 15 — Fishing day: 7:30 a.m. lines-in, 5:00 p.m. lines-out. Release video check-in
September 16 — Fishing day: 7:30 a.m. lines-in, 5:00 p.m. lines-out. Release video check-in.
September 17 — Awards banquet 7:00 p.m. Scrub Island Resort & Marina

IGFA angling and tackle rules apply in this tournament unless otherwise stated (see release rules for scoring points).

All teams must provide their own video camera(s) to verify releases. All video recording equipment should be set to the proper BVI time and date. To verify a catch, you must use release letter cards provided. Teams will be informed of the letter card to use prior to each days start of fishing. To score an official release, the video footage must include sufficient footage to (1) clearly identify the species; (2) show a team member, angler or crew touching the leader while the fish is still hooked; (3) display the catch release number card provided by the tournament; (4) identify the time and date of the catch; and (5) show the catch and full release of the fish. The video footage must identify all of these elements. Do not delete any video taken during fishing hours, even if it does not include the above elements and will not be used to prove a catch.

After the release video is taken, the time, species, release number and angler name must be written on the catch-report affidavit. Each registered angler and boat captain must then sign the catch-report affidavit. At the end of the day’s fishing, the camera, camera connections, catch-report affidavit and all video footage taken must be brought to video check-in for review and verification of official release points. Catch reports must be turned in by 7:30 p.m. September 14, 15 and 16, 2024.

Five-hundred (500) points awarded for every blue marlin officially released. One hundred (100) points for every white marlin, spearfish or sailfish officially released.

All catches to be considered for points must be recorded on the catch-report-affidavit sheets provided. The release time, species, release number and angler’s name must be written on the catch-report affidavit. Each angler and boat captain must then sign the catch-report affidavit. The catch-report-affidavit sheets must be turned in at the weigh station each day. In the event of a tie, the team reaching the highest score first wins.

Teams may fish up to 80-pound-test maximum manufacturer labeled line; tournament or non-tournament lines are eligible. If the stated line test is 80-pounds or less on the label, it is allowed in the tournament. The catch shall be classified under the breaking strength of the first five meters of line directly preceding the double line, leader or hook. This section must be comprised of a single, homogenous piece of line.

The length of the leader is the overall length, including any lure or hook arrangement. In all line classes exceeding 20-pound (10 kg), the leader shall be limited to 30 feet (9.14 meters). The combined length of the double line, swivel, hook set and the leader shall not exceed 40 feet (12.19 meters) total. The tournament committee holds the right to examine any hook-sets, line and/or leaders at any time during the event. Refusal to allow the committee to examine any hook-sets, line and/or leaders will result in immediate disqualification from the event without a refund of any jackpot or registration fees.

Unlimited in use or numbers.

Unlimited in use or numbers.

Live bait, dead bait, lures and any combination thereof are permitted in this tournament.

All tournament participants must use non-offset circle hooks for all species whenever natural baits or natural-bait/artificial-lure combinations are used.

Fishing will commence at 7:30 a.m. (lines-in) and end at 5:00 p.m. (lines-out) on September 14, 15 and 16. The tournament committee reserves the privilege of changing starting and finishing times for any reason it deems necessary. A radio start will take place each morning at 7:30 a.m. The tournament control’s time will act as the official time for the start, catch-and-release and end of fishing each day without exception.

In the event of late hookups, etc., all release footage must be turned in by 11:59 p.m. on the day of fishing.

All billfish hookups, releases and lost fish must be reported to tournament control, along with the boat name, angler name and fish species. The tournament control’s time will act as the official time for the start, catch-and-release and end of fishing each day without exception. The official tournament channel will be provided during the captains meeting. Tournament cell phone number by which teams can also communicate will be +1-407-533-0123. During the last hour of fishing each day, all hookups must be reported.

The release video check in is at the Scrub Island Resort & Marina

There is no weather committee. The tournament is conducted on a fish-at-your-own-risk basis. If any portion of the tournament is fished and a team(s) releases fish that match the tournament’s eligible species and minimum weight limits, then prizes will be awarded.

Participants may lodge protests against any catch which they believe was not made in accordance with these rules. All protests must be stated in writing and accompanied by $1,000. All protests on September 14, 15 and 16 must be in the hands of the tournament’s designated rules official by 7:30 p.m. on the day of the alleged incident unless there is a protest regarding a fish that comes to the video verification later than 7:30 p.m.

The tournament committee may call a protest hearing in their discretion; a protest hearing is not guaranteed. The protest party, as well as the accused team members, captain and crew, must be present at any official protest hearing. The tournament committee may refuse to consider any protest evidence not submitted at the protest hearing in the presence of the protested team. If the protesting or protested team fails to show up for the protest hearing, that team forfeits its right to submit evidence. Decisions of the tournament organizers with regard to protests are final, nonappealable, and nonjusticiable.

All participants are expected to maintain a reasonable and sportsmanlike demeanor at all times throughout the tournament. Unsportsmanlike or threatening conduct towards tournament organizers or other participants, or any other behavior which the tournament organizers deem inappropriate, in their sole discretion, will result in immediate disqualification of the entire team with no refund of entry fees.

The Scrub Island Billfish Series tournament committee reserves the right to update or change these rules at any time. By entering the Scrub Island Billfish Series tournament and paying the entry fees, all participants agree to abide by the tournament rules and accept all decisions made by the Tournament Committee as final.

Scrub Island Billfish Series

Jennifer Dudas, Tournament Director
[email protected]

READ CAREFULLY! This Release affects your legal rights and its completion is a prerequisite for your enrollment and participation in the Scrub Island Billfish Series tournament (the “Tournament”). Your entry indicates your FULL acceptance of these terms.

By entering the Scrub Island Billfish Series tournament and paying the entry fees, I AGREE AS FOLLOWS: I am applying to participate in the Tournament; acceptance of my application is at the sole discretion of the Tournament organizers. In consideration of being permitted to apply for, enroll or participate in the Tournament and such activities as may be arranged for me in connection with such application, enrollment and participation (collectively, the “Tournament Activities”), individually for myself and on behalf of my personal representatives, heirs, assigns, executors, administrators, and next of kin, and as the vessel’s master (if I am the vessel’s master):

  1. I hereby acknowledge that the Tournament Activities are dangerous and hazardous, and may entail the risk of serious injury, death, and property or economic damage. I understand that the risks include, but are not limited to, dangers posed by inclement weather and the inherent risks posed by game fishing. I hereby fully assume all non-economic and economic risks posed to me by my enrollment and participation in the Tournament Activities, whether those risks are known or not and whether those risks are foreseen or not. I hereby release and discharge the Tournament, its sponsors and Bonnier LLC; each of their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, and affiliated companies; the officers, employees, associates, agents, and contractors of all of the foregoing; all other Tournament participants; and all location owners and operators (collectively, the “Releasees”) of and from any and all claims, suits, causes of action, obligations, liabilities, debts, costs, damages, or demands of every kind and nature which I now have or which may arise from or in connection with my enrollment and participation in the Tournament Activities, whether or not caused or contributed to by the negligence of the Releasees or the manner in which the Tournament is conducted by the Releasees. ALL TOURNAMENT PARTICIPANTS ARE ADVISED TO OBTAIN THEIR OWN INSURANCE COVERAGE.
  2. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Releasees, their heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, assigns, and parent organizations from any damages, costs, expenses, or liabilities, including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees or other professional fees, resulting from or in any way connected with the risk posed by the Tournament or Tournament Activities, and regardless of whether those risks were caused in full or in part by a party indemnified hereunder.
  3. I agree that this Release supersedes any other agreements, written or oral, between the parties and is governed by the laws of Florida. I intend this release to be interpreted as broadly as possible, and if any portion of this Release is held invalid, I intend the remainder to continue in full legal force and effect.
  4. I acknowledge receipt of the rules of the Tournament and I agree to fully abide thereby. I further agree that: (i) I will abide by and accept all decisions made by the Tournament organizers or any representative of the Tournament organizers in connection with my application, enrollment, or participation in the Tournament; (ii) all such decisions will be final, non-appealable, and in the sole discretion of the Tournament organizers or their representatives; and (iii) any economic or non-economic consequences to me as a result of such decisions are within the scope of the foregoing release.


Participants in Tournaments are advised to obtain their own insurance covering them and their vessel’s participation. By entering the tournament, I hereby affirm receipt of the rules of the Tournament. I also affirm that I will abide by and accept all decisions made by the Tournament committee.

In consideration for being permitted to enroll and participate in the Scrub Island Billfish Series tournament (the “Tournament”), I hereby agree to the following terms:

  1. I grant the Tournament, Bonnier LLC, and their respective licensees, affiliates, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Licensed Parties”) the unrestricted, irrevocable, and perpetual worldwide right to record, copy, reproduce, publish, exhibit, perform and otherwise exploit (collectively, “use”), and license others to use in any and all media now existing and hereinafter developed, without payment of additional compensation, my appearance, name, likeness, voice, and statements that I make in interviews connected with the Tournament, and any photographic, video or audio materials that I create during my participation in the Tournament (collectively, the “Property”), for any purpose, including but not limited to advertising and promotion. I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve any use of the Property or any materials including the Property.
  2. The Licensed Parties shall have no liability to me relating to the use or publication, as set forth herein, of the Property for any reason. For myself and on behalf of my personal representatives, heirs, assigns, executors, administrators, and next of kin, I hereby irrevocably release and exempt the Licensed Parties from and against all actions, claims and demands that I now have or may have in the future arising from or relating to any such use or publication of the Property.
  3. Nothing herein obligates the Licensed Parties to make any use of any of the rights set forth herein. The rights granted shall not revert to me by reason of the Licensed Parties’ lack of use, and are irrevocable.
  4. By registering as a participant, you are consenting to our privacy policy and agreeing to grant The Marlin
    Group use of your personal information to send you newsletters, surveys, offers, and other emails that
    may be of interest on behalf of Marlin and our trusted partners. You can opt out or amend your email
    preferences at any time.

Leg 2 Rules - September 17-20, 2024

The Scrub Island Billfish Series Leg 2 is a three-day boat tournament. Prizes pay down to third place (first, second and third). Eligible species include blue marlin, white marlin, spearfish and sailfish. Boats are required to stay at Scrub Island Marina unless there is no available dockage and in such cases boats may stay in an alternative BVI location. During the event no boats are allowed to reside outside of BVI waters to participate in the Scrub Island Invitational Billfish Series.

The entry fee is $5,000 per team. This basic entry fee covers the participation of the boat and attendance at all planned entertainment and social activities for 6 participants. The tournament committee reserves the right to deny tournament entry to any individual, organization or corporation.

A final registration, captains meeting and kickoff party will take place from 4 to 8:30 p.m., September 17, at Scrub Island Resort & Marina. All teams that are preregistered and teams needing to register must send at least one representative to obtain tournament credentials. All team members and boat captains must attend the scheduled angler/captains meeting at 7:00 p.m., September 17 at Scrub Island Resort & Marina. Regardless of attendance, they accept and agree to be bound by all instructions and/or rule changes made during that meeting. In an effort to maximize participation, registrations will be accepted until 8:29 p.m., September 16.

In an effort to receive early registrations, the tournament will allow participants to cancel their registration until the deadline of 9:00 p.m., September 16. The tournament will refund all entry fees less a $500 cancellation fee.

Without exception, each boat must have on board one designated boat captain and at least one designated mate. All anglers must be listed on CatchStat or a list must provided to tournament director or associate director prior to the start of tournament competition. There is no limit on anglers or crew. Any teams with angler changes or substitutions must notify tournament director or associate director prior to the start of fishing on each competition day in order for the angler to be eligible to participate and for their fish to be counted. Designated captains and mates can also be registered anglers. Guests are allowed on the boats. While there is no limit on anglers, each boat is eligible for six official tournament shirts and one captain’s bag.

Boats may receive aid from other boats in the form of towing in the event of mechanical failure. Teams and boats are not allowed to receive assistance in releasing fish. All participants must exercise good and courteous sportsmanship whether at the dock, underway or fishing.

Omni-Directional Sonar (ODS) may not be deployed, activated, energized, displayed or otherwise referred to in locating fish until after the assigned “lines-in” moment of each tournament day. Further to this rule, it must be deactivated upon “lines-out” until the beginning of “lines-in” the next day.

This rule does not apply to standard bottom finders transmitting at 50 to 200 khz or CHIRP sonars transmitting broad spectrum signals, since these are normally employed for safe navigation. It also does not apply to side scan sonar capable of scanning water from port to starboard at a new 180 arc.

September 17 — Final registration, captains meeting from 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Scrub Island Resort & Marina. Captains meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. followed by the dinner and the Leg One Awards.
September 18 — Fishing day: 7:30 a.m. lines-in, 5:00 p.m. lines-out. Release video check-in.
September 19 — Fishing day: 7:30 a.m. lines-in, 5:00 p.m. lines-out. Release video check-in
September 20 — Fishing day: 7:30 a.m. lines-in, 3:00 p.m. lines-out.
September 21 — Leg II and SII Series Gala Awards Brunch 11:00 AM Scrub Island Resort & Marina

IGFA angling and tackle rules apply in this tournament unless otherwise stated (see release rules for scoring points).

All teams must provide their own video camera(s) to verify releases. All video recording equipment should be set to the proper BVI time and date. To verify a catch, you must use release letter cards provided. Teams will be informed of the letter card to use prior to each days start of fishing. To score an official release, the video footage must include sufficient footage to (1) clearly identify the species; (2) show a team member, angler or crew touching the leader while the fish is still hooked; (3) display the catch release number card provided by the tournament; (4) identify the time and date of the catch; and (5) show the catch and full release of the fish. The video footage must identify all of these elements. Do not delete any video taken during fishing hours, even if it does not include the above elements and will not be used to prove a catch.

After the release video is taken, the time, species, release number and angler name must be written on the catch-report affidavit. Each registered angler and boat captain must then sign the catch-report affidavit. At the end of the day’s fishing, the camera, camera connections, catch-report affidavit and all video footage taken must be brought to video check-in for review and verification of official release points. Catch reports must be turned in by 7:30 p.m. September 18 and 19 and by 5:30 p.m. on September 20.

Five-hundred (500) points awarded for every blue marlin officially released. One hundred (100) points for every white marlin, spearfish or sailfish officially released.

All catches to be considered for points must be recorded on the catch-report-affidavit sheets provided. The release time, species, release number and angler’s name must be written on the catch-report affidavit. Each angler and boat captain must then sign the catch-report affidavit. The catch-report-affidavit sheets must be turned in at the weigh station each day. In the event of a tie, the team reaching the highest score first wins.

Teams may fish up to 80-pound-test maximum manufacturer labeled line; tournament or non-tournament lines are eligible. If the stated line test is 80-pounds or less on the label, it is allowed in the tournament. The catch shall be classified under the breaking strength of the first five meters of line directly preceding the double line, leader or hook. This section must be comprised of a single, homogenous piece of line.

The length of the leader is the overall length, including any lure or hook arrangement. In all line classes exceeding 20-pound (10 kg), the leader shall be limited to 30 feet (9.14 meters). The combined length of the double line, swivel, hook set and the leader shall not exceed 40 feet (12.19 meters) total. The tournament committee holds the right to examine any hook-sets, line and/or leaders at any time during the event. Refusal to allow the committee to examine any hook-sets, line and/or leaders will result in immediate disqualification from the event without a refund of any jackpot or registration fees.

Unlimited in use or numbers.

Unlimited in use or numbers.

Live bait, dead bait, lures and any combination thereof are permitted in this tournament.

All tournament participants must use non-offset circle hooks for all species whenever natural baits or natural-bait/artificial-lure combinations are used.

Fishing will commence at 7:30 a.m. (lines-in) and end at 5:00 p.m. (lines-out) on September 18 and 19 and from 7:30 a.m. (lines-in) and end at 3:00 p.m. (lines-out) on September 20. The tournament committee reserves the privilege of changing starting and finishing times for any reason it deems necessary. A radio start will take place each morning at 7:30 a.m. The tournament control’s time will act as the official time for the start, catch-and-release and end of fishing each day without exception.

FIGHTING TIMES In the event of late hookups, etc., all release footage must be turned in by 11:59 p.m. on the day of fishing with the exception of September 20 when all footage must be received by 5:30 p.m.

All billfish hookups, releases and lost fish must be reported to tournament control, along with the boat name, angler name and fish species. The tournament control’s time will act as the official time for the start, catch-and-release and end of fishing each day without exception. The official tournament channel will be provided during the captains meeting. Tournament cell phone number by which teams can also communicate will be +1-407-533-0123. During the last hour of fishing each day, all hookups must be reported.

The release video check in is at the Scrub Island Resort & Marina

There is no weather committee. The tournament is conducted on a fish-at-your-own-risk basis. If any portion of the tournament is fished and a team(s) releases fish that match the tournament’s eligible species and minimum weight limits, then prizes will be awarded.

Participants may lodge protests against any catch which they believe was not made in accordance with these rules. All protests must be stated in writing and accompanied by $1,000. All protests on September 18 and 19 must be in the hands of the tournament’s designated rules official by 7:30 p.m. on the day of the alleged incident unless there is a protest regarding a fish that comes to the video verification later than 7:30 p.m. All protests on September 20 must be in the hands of the tournament’s designated rules official by 5:30 p.m.

The tournament committee may call a protest hearing in their discretion; a protest hearing is not guaranteed. The protest party, as well as the accused team members, captain and crew, must be present at any official protest hearing. The tournament committee may refuse to consider any protest evidence not submitted at the protest hearing in the presence of the protested team. If the protesting or protested team fails to show up for the protest hearing, that team forfeits its right to submit evidence. Decisions of the tournament organizers with regard to protests are final, nonappealable, and nonjusticiable.

All participants are expected to maintain a reasonable and sportsmanlike demeanor at all times throughout the tournament. Unsportsmanlike or threatening conduct towards tournament organizers or other participants, or any other behavior which the tournament organizers deem inappropriate, in their sole discretion, will result in immediate disqualification of the entire team with no refund of entry fees.

Scrub Island Billfish Series

Jennifer Dudas, Tournament Director
[email protected]

READ CAREFULLY! This Release affects your legal rights and its completion is a prerequisite for your enrollment and participation in the Scrub Island Billfish Series tournament (the “Tournament”). Your entry indicates your FULL acceptance of these terms.

By entering the Scrub Island Billfish Series tournament and paying the entry fees, I AGREE AS FOLLOWS: I am applying to participate in the Tournament; acceptance of my application is at the sole discretion of the Tournament organizers. In consideration of being permitted to apply for, enroll or participate in the Tournament and such activities as may be arranged for me in connection with such application, enrollment and participation (collectively, the “Tournament Activities”), individually for myself and on behalf of my personal representatives, heirs, assigns, executors, administrators, and next of kin, and as the vessel’s master (if I am the vessel’s master):

  1. I hereby acknowledge that the Tournament Activities are dangerous and hazardous, and may entail the risk of serious injury, death, and property or economic damage. I understand that the risks include, but are not limited to, dangers posed by inclement weather and the inherent risks posed by game fishing. I hereby fully assume all non-economic and economic risks posed to me by my enrollment and participation in the Tournament Activities, whether those risks are known or not and whether those risks are foreseen or not. I hereby release and discharge the Tournament, its sponsors and Bonnier LLC; each of their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, and affiliated companies; the officers, employees, associates, agents, and contractors of all of the foregoing; all other Tournament participants; and all location owners and operators (collectively, the “Releasees”) of and from any and all claims, suits, causes of action, obligations, liabilities, debts, costs, damages, or demands of every kind and nature which I now have or which may arise from or in connection with my enrollment and participation in the Tournament Activities, whether or not caused or contributed to by the negligence of the Releasees or the manner in which the Tournament is conducted by the Releasees. ALL TOURNAMENT PARTICIPANTS ARE ADVISED TO OBTAIN THEIR OWN INSURANCE COVERAGE.
  2. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Releasees, their heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, assigns, and parent organizations from any damages, costs, expenses, or liabilities, including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees or other professional fees, resulting from or in any way connected with the risk posed by the Tournament or Tournament Activities, and regardless of whether those risks were caused in full or in part by a party indemnified hereunder.
  3. I agree that this Release supersedes any other agreements, written or oral, between the parties and is governed by the laws of Florida. I intend this release to be interpreted as broadly as possible, and if any portion of this Release is held invalid, I intend the remainder to continue in full legal force and effect.
  4. I acknowledge receipt of the rules of the Tournament and I agree to fully abide thereby. I further agree that: (i) I will abide by and accept all decisions made by the Tournament organizers or any representative of the Tournament organizers in connection with my application, enrollment, or participation in the Tournament; (ii) all such decisions will be final, non-appealable, and in the sole discretion of the Tournament organizers or their representatives; and (iii) any economic or non-economic consequences to me as a result of such decisions are within the scope of the foregoing release.


Participants in Tournaments are advised to obtain their own insurance covering them and their vessel’s participation. By entering the tournament, I hereby affirm receipt of the rules of the Tournament. I also affirm that I will abide by and accept all decisions made by the Tournament committee.

In consideration for being permitted to enroll and participate in the Scrub Island Billfish Series tournament (the “Tournament”), I hereby agree to the following terms:

  1. I grant the Tournament, Bonnier LLC, and their respective licensees, affiliates, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Licensed Parties”) the unrestricted, irrevocable, and perpetual worldwide right to record, copy, reproduce, publish, exhibit, perform and otherwise exploit (collectively, “use”), and license others to use in any and all media now existing and hereinafter developed, without payment of additional compensation, my appearance, name, likeness, voice, and statements that I make in interviews connected with the Tournament, and any photographic, video or audio materials that I create during my participation in the Tournament (collectively, the “Property”), for any purpose, including but not limited to advertising and promotion. I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve any use of the Property or any materials including the Property.
  2. The Licensed Parties shall have no liability to me relating to the use or publication, as set forth herein, of the Property for any reason. For myself and on behalf of my personal representatives, heirs, assigns, executors, administrators, and next of kin, I hereby irrevocably release and exempt the Licensed Parties from and against all actions, claims and demands that I now have or may have in the future arising from or relating to any such use or publication of the Property.
  3. Nothing herein obligates the Licensed Parties to make any use of any of the rights set forth herein. The rights granted shall not revert to me by reason of the Licensed Parties’ lack of use, and are irrevocable.
  4. By registering as a participant, you are consenting to our privacy policy and agreeing to grant The Marlin
    Group use of your personal information to send you newsletters, surveys, offers, and other emails that
    may be of interest on behalf of Marlin and our trusted partners. You can opt out or amend your email
    preferences at any time.

Series Rules


Boats and participants competing in the Scrub Island Billfish Series Leg 1 September 13 – 17 and/or Leg 2 September 17 – 20 are eligible for the 2024 Scrub Island Billfish Series Trophies and Awards. Teams may also enter the optional Scrub Island Billfish Series Points Jackpot to compete for cash awards.

All participants competing in the Scrub Island Billfish Series must follow the rules governing each qualifying tournament. Boats earning points do not have to use the same participants/anglers at each event. The sum of all official points earned at each qualifying event will determine the total points awarded for the series. The boat with the highest total points will win the series. In the event of a tie, the boat accumulating the points first will be the champion with the other boat assuming the next position.

Each qualifying event has the same scoring system for billfish. Boats receive 500 points for blue marlin releases and 100 points for white marlin, spearfish and sailfish releases. Points are accumulated during the two events.

This is a boat championship with awards going to the boat with the highest point total. The winning boat will receive a series trophy and prize package.

The fee for this category is $5,000 and is optional. Teams must be registered by 6:59 a.m. Scrub Island BVI Time September 13, 2024. The Scrub Island Billfish Series Optional Points Jackpot will be awarded to the top three teams with the most overall points of the two event series and will be awarded accordingly; First place 50%, Second Place 30%, Third Place 20%.
Only teams registered in the Scrub Island Billfish Series Optional Points Jackpot will be eligible for these cash awards.

The Scrub Island Billfish Series Winners will be recognized during the awards presentation, September 21, 2024 at the Scrub Island Resort & Marina.