Sculley 58
One of the things I like most about attending the Pirate’s CoveBillfish Tournament in Manteo, North Carolina, is that itsproximity to so many Carolina boatbuilders makes it a mini boatshow of sorts. Stroll down the docks at this event and you’ll findthe newest product from all the major production and custommanufacturers, plus a few you may not have heard of.
One of the most innovative boats I spotted at the event comesfrom Sculley Boatbuilders, a relatively recent addition to theWanchese boatbuilding scene. A tour of its 58-footer revealed manyexamples of fine craftsmanship, an in-depth knowledge offishermen’s needs and loads of creative thinking.
The cockpit of the Sculley 58 is a mate’s dream. All surfacesare rounded and smooth, with no handles or hinges to catch line orchamois. All doors open via a push latch, and each one reveals anintuitive knowledge of big-game fishing. You’ll see it in the smalldetails, like the noncorrosive quick-connects for freshwater andsaltwater washdowns, or the freezer lids lined with stainlesssteel. Tackle storage is easily customized to fit the needs ofsailfishermen and blue marlin anglers alike, and those who chasethe big blues will appreciate the optional winch integrated in thestarboard locker that’s lined up perfectly with the transom door.Between the fighting chair and the transom are two lids to thesame, gigantic fish box – lined with stainless steel and fed by anoptional Eskimo ice machine, of course. A second steel-lined fishbox resides in the transom.
The bridge is clean and bare upon first inspection, but a closerlook reveals a couple of hidden touches. A push of a button liftsthe electronics console that’s big enough to please even the worstgadget freak. In front of the console, an overhead rod storagelocker holds 19 fully rigged rod-and-reel combos.
The Sculley’s engine room could also be described as clean andbare – and that’s about the best compliment you can give thiscompartment. All wiring is hidden from sight, and all surfacesfeature a glossed finish where liquid or dirt is easily spotted andcleaned. And with its ceiling lined with polished stainless steel,numerous fluorescent lights brighten up every nook and cranny.

Insidethe three-stateroom and two-head arrangement, you’ll find adedication to fine craftsmanship in the matching-grain cherrycabinetry, faired corners and fine appointments. And you’llappreciate the thought that went into utilizing every inch aboardthis boat. A curved compartment opens to reveal storage forcocktail supplies, another above the settee reveals a dockingstation for your laptop – integrated with all onboard systems, ofcourse. Down below, the first cabin to starboard contains a singleberth atop what at first glance looks like a dresser on steroids.Inside the four full-length drawers, though, is a tackle storagesuite to match any I’ve seen. Without exaggeration, the contents ofthese drawers could serve as a startup kit for a newbait-and-tackle shop.
Powered by twin 1,480-hp MTU/DDC 12V2000s, the cold-moldedSculley 58 has a stated cruise speed of 34 knots (2,100 rpm) andmaximum speed of 38 knots (2,350 rpm).
LOA 58’0″
BEAM 17’6″
DRAFT 5’6″
WEIGHT 65,000 pounds
FUEL 1,500 gallons
WATER 200 gallons
POWER 1,480-hp MTU/DDCs
Sculley Boatbuilders