Justin Roper and his father were aboard the 42-foot Bertram, Balls to the Wall, belonging to their friend, Jeremy Ball. Over the weekend of August 4th, their crew of Ryan Walker, Brandon Hebert, and Hanson St. Martin fished Green Canyon out of Falgout Canal, Louisiana.
They reported some great catches down by the bayou. Roper of Makaira Pulling Lures, tested some of his own collection.
“We ended the trip 3/4 on whites, 1/1 on blues, 4 yellowfin, 2 dolphin, and a wahoo,” Roper says. “It was an awesome trip. The whites ate “Meredith”, “Ursa”, and “Lyla” lures. We also caught one white on a Bart lure and the blue ate a Lyla.”