No Agenda is the first boat in United States to utilize ZF Marine’s SteerCommand electric steering system. Successfully tested on many cruiser-type boats overseas, the 73-footer performed as expected – beautifully.
Twin 1,900 hp Caterpillar C32 ACERT engines effortlessly turned up to their obligatory 2,350 rpms on the sea trial and were running as smooth as silk, says Michael Rybovich and Sons purchasing manager, Blake Gill. Gill believes No Agenda will easily see another knot or better after some trim tab experimentation on her next sea trial.

Regional account manager for ZF, Don Hamann, was equally impressed with the sea trial results: “We are happy to see the estimated speed was right on target, and the entire system performed perfectly.”
ZF designs, builds and delivers complete marine propulsion packages for sport-fishers to maximize performance, and is anxiously waiting the completion of a 78-foot Michael Rybovich and Sons, which will also be outfitted with the new system.
Expected to be completed and ready for delivery just after July 4, 2018, No Agenda will undergo a series of shakedown cruises to the Bahamas before she sets a course for Panama on her own bottom, under the watchful eye of Capt. Bobby Brown.
No Agenda making right-to-left turns at a swift 41.5 knots without a hitch.
The owner will replace his current 63-foot Rybovich with the new 73-footer and is said to be making her home in Los Sueños, Costa Rica, once the Panama trip is complete.

Bringing experience, tradition and innovative boatbuilding together, Michael Rybovich and Sons Boatworks continues to lead the industry in cold-molded custom sport-fishers that possess unparalleled quality.
Michael Rybovich and Sons Boatworks will celebrate their 100th anniversary in 2019.